This Is How the Dumper Feels During No Contact But also he held telling me arbitrary things like I still me alot to him and then he kept flip flopping and stating he doesnt want a romantic relationship then changes his mind. So I halted all connection with him so he can finally see what it’s like never to have me. I feel like he'll come back again sooner or later again. In most cases you'll be able to get back with an ex when you yourself have a positive attitude and outlook. Even though you dated someone in high school or years back it is still possible that you can take up a new love story with that person if you arranged your brain to it. He has always told me he never needed a relationship because he did not feel ready, because of his previous encounters (his parents got a divorce when he was in primary college and he had a toxic 2 season relationship at age group 18). I replied that I never wanted to be friends with benefits since it feels wrong, but he said that he ...